K.V.R. Shinde Shikshan Sanstha's

Shivraj College of Pharmacy (D.Pharm. & B.Pharm.), Gadhinglaj

Affiliated To DBATU, Lonere(6965) & MSBTE Mumbai(2009)
Approved By PCI, New Delhi(2054), Govt. of Maharashtra & DTE Mumbai

Training and Placement Activities 2024-2025

Sr. No. Name of event Name of Guest Date No. of Participants
1. Financial planning Dr. V. B. kakade 27/Sep/2024 78
2. Pharmaceutical QA & QC Mr. Chandrakant Shintre 04/Nov/2024 82
3. Pharmaceutical manufacturing and market complaint Mr. Ganesh Nazre 04/Nov/2024 82
4. How to crack GPAT exam Mr. Gaurav Gadgil 08/Oct/2024 76
5. Campus Interview Appollo Pharmacy 17/Aug/2024 42

Training and Placement Activities 2023-2024

Sr. No. Name of event No. of Participant Date
1. Carrer Opportunities in Pharma industry 69 26/10/2023
2. How to crack GPAT Exam 25 09/11/2023
3. Mastering GPAT & Pharma recruitment exams 45 30/11/2023
4. Carrer guidance session on Gateway to Pharma industry and opportunities 35 04/12/2023
5. Research lab Visit at Dr. Prabhakar Kore BSRC, KLE, Belagavi 63 05/12/2023
6. Carrer Opportunity for Pharmacy Students 40 09/12/2023
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